Monday, December 27, 2010

'Fight Gone Bad'

Box Jump
Push Press
Row for Cal
Wall ball


I started with SDLHP again. Really wanted to start with wallball. I am pretty sure that this is an improvement from the last time. I thin I am 267 last time. Don't know what happen to my old record though.

There are some really good people at CFAH.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The simple program for strength gains?

So I read this article from T-nation by Dan John. I can't find it now, but this is just what it is:

deadlift 2 x 5
shoulder press 2 x 5
biceps curl 2 x 5 (yes curls. Dan John recommended it!)
snatch 1 x 20-50
abs (i have been doing ab wheel)

I think he borrowed elements of Pavels programming for this one. It is a 40 day program done everyday. The 'science' behind it, is basic. Just do it everyday without groaning and grunting and let your strength develop naturally.

The first two weeks were pretty light, now finishing my third. I like it. It is pretty simple and easy to follow.

Week 1:
135 # thick hex bar deadlift
70# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
5-5-5-3-3-3 Floor Press (135-210#)
For time:
row 1000 then,
5 rounds of:
40# DB Complex
Hang Power Clean
Row 1000

Week 2:
135 # thick hex bar deadlift
70# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
3-3-3-1-1-1 Floor Press (185-215#)
For time:
20 double unders, 18. 16, etc. descending ladder
1 burpee, 2, 3, 4 etc. ascending ladder

Week 3:
185 # thick hex bar deadlift
90# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
255# DL One on the min for ten min

For time:
15 DL (155#)
Row 300m
15 DL
Row 300m
15 DL

Thursday, November 25, 2010


"DT" @ Dominik's

135# @ 15:31

I need to work on my receiving at the power position. I tend to not stick my butt back as far as I should.

15' rope climb (1) - no legs

Monday, November 22, 2010


20 min AMRAP

7 pull up
7 ring dips
14 dumbbell lunges (20#)

12 rounds

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Push Press
10 @ 45#
10 @ 88#
8 @ 108#
4 @ 154#
3 @ 164#
2 @ 169#
1 @ 174#
1 @ 179#
1 @ 184#
1 @ 184 # (PR)

5 @ 220#
1 @ 298#
1 @ 318#

Monday, November 15, 2010


20 min AMRAP

10 back extensions or reverse hyperextensions
6 reverse burpees
8 dumbbell lunges

11 rounds

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


40-45min of madness

10 min treadmill incline 25# DB walking /running (no weight)

5 rounds of:
20 dips
20 air squats

10 Bulgarian split squats (each leg)
10 Bulgarian split squats with 25# DB at side

5 Overhead DB presses split stance
5 front rack split squats with 25#
5 overhead split squats with 25# DB
5 split stance thrusters with 25# DB
(on both legs)

5 @ 95# bent over rows
5 @ 95# snatch grip deadlifts
5 @ 95# overhead presses

~15 GHD sit ups
~20 pilates ball sit ups
~3 minutes of flutter kicks and goof morning darlings

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


10 @ 45# x 2
10 @ 88#
6 @ 124#
6 @ 80kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg +10#
3 @ 110kg +20#
3 @ 110kg +20#
3 @ 110kg +30#

Monday, November 8, 2010


20 min AMRAP
6 @ 30# thrusters (alternating arms each round)
6 burpees

19 rounds

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Mobility for ankles, thoracic spine, and hips
Front squats
8 @ 45#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 155#
10 @ 155#
10 @ 145#

After attending The 2010 Mid-American Weightlifting Championships at WCS Gattone Sports Performance I changed a few things about my technique for this workout. I typically have my elbows relatively closer to my mid-line, but decided to have my elbows a bit more adducted. I felt a little more pain in my shoulders from the pressure and in my wrists from increased extension. However, this did encourage external rotation of my shoulders and drove my elbows up higher (to protect my wrist) which in turn tightened up my thoracic spine. I only tried this on my last set @ 145# as I was thinking of getting more work in the earlier sets and more technique on the last one.

~10min WOD
4 rounds @ 75#
5 Snatch grip DL
5 Snatch grip high pull
5 Power snatch (Floor to power position)
5 Overhead squats
5 Bent Rows

finished with 5 full snatches.

Definitely felt much better and stable with the snatch after watching Courtney and the other at the O-lifting meet. Definitely must externally rotate the shoulder when receiving the bar for the snatch. It just locks the bar into a much more stable position. I was tired after all of that, so doing the snatches really forced me to focus on my technique granted it was only 75#.

Thursday, November 4, 2010




20 seconds slower than my PR.

My cleans were strong, jerks felt a little wobbly.

There are mirrors in the gym I workout at now. I noticed my right heel lift up on the jerk dip. I also noticed this in some old videos I reviewed recently. On another occasion, with Dominik and Amanda my right heel also came up during the dip phase of the jerk.

Are weight lifting shoes to answer to the problem? More flexible ankles?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



10 @ 50kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg + 10#
3 @ 110kg + 10#
3 @ 110kg + 30#

Monday, November 1, 2010


20 min AMRAP

10 Goblet squats 60#
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

14 rounds

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010


Power clean off block below knee
5 @ 40kg
5 @ 60kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 80kg
5 @ 80kg

OHS/Front squat/back squat (giant set) 10/10/10

3 rounds @ 40kg

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Hex bar DL
10 @ 89#
10 @ 89#
10 @ 135#
5 @ 243#
5 @ 243#
5 @ 243#

50 burpees

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


10 min bike
1/3/5 SHP/PP/PJ

resistance band row, tablemakers (10 minutes)

Monday, October 18, 2010


Burgerner warm-up
2 x 15 @ 45# muscle snatch

Front Squat
20 @ 45#
20 @ 95#
20 @ 95#
20 @ 115#

2 rounds
treadmill sprint
jump sumo squat floor touch
reverse burpee

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Burgerner warm-up
Hang Snatch High pull
5 @ 95
5 @ 95
3 @ 135
3 @ 135

Sumo Deadlift
5 @ 30kg + 30# bar
10 @ 30kg + 30# bar
10 @ 30kg + 30# bar + 50#
10 @ 70kg + 30# bar
5 @ 70kg + 30# bar + 50#
5 @ 70kg + 30# bar + 50#

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Burgerner Warm-up
45, 65, 65

10 @ 95# 3 rounds

5 rounds
ring dips
jump lunges

muscle ups

Monday, October 11, 2010


Split Jerks
4 @ 60kg
4 @ 60kg
4 @ 60kg + 20#

Overhead Squat
10 @ 75#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 95#


Friday, October 8, 2010


30 minutes of running and animals like movements and basic gymnastics.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Burgerner warm up

Behind neck jerk
3 @ 50kg
5 @ 50kg
4 @ 50kg + 20#

10 @ 65#
2 @ 50kg +20#
6 @ 40kg +20#
7 @ 40kg +20#
1 @ 50kg +20#

kneeling ab wheel(7-5-6-6-6-6-6-6)
pull-ups (13-10-10-8-7-7-7-8)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Rack cleans (set above the knees)
6 @ 50kg
5 @ 70 kg
5 @ 70 kg

Back squat
10 @ 60kg
10 @ 60kg
10 @ 80kg

30s on 30s off (3 rounds)
jump squats

20-30 dips
15-25 jump squats

Sunday, September 12, 2010

C and J

Clean and Jerk

3 rounds
25 knees to elbows
15 OH squats @ 95#

Friday, September 10, 2010



For Time;
5 Rounds

225 pound, Deadlift, 15 reps

20 Box Jumps, 24 inch box

25 Pull-ups


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Constantly Varied

135# front squats off the rack
185# DL's
45# SA DB presses
Back extensions
Reverse Hypers
Neck Bridges

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Walking with weight

Today I went on two separate walks with my 16kg kettlebell just to the end of a long street and back...each taking about 14 minutes. Since today is my rest day I planned to do something over nothing and work on some oddities.

1: suitcase carry-it wasn't great, my spine wasn't perfectly swayed with each step which isn't ideal, but it did provide unilateral loading. I switched hands when needed.

2: racked-much better. I was quickly more fatigued in my thoracic spine racked vs suitcase. There was no trunk flexion or lateral movement of the spine-just mid-line stabilization.

My torso is very short to it is easy to rest my elbows on my legs while seated by having a little trunk flexion. Not good. I can improve the suitcase carry by decreasing the weight and not letting my spine bend toward the weight and perform the exercise as it is supposed to be. I also need to stop resting my elbows on things in order to keep my postural muscles engaged.

Thanks to I have been re-inspired to start working the neck again and also because my bands are right next to me and not at my gym.
Neck work with bands and bridges and headstands. I also threw in some arm haulers since my shoulders have been feeling sloppy and unstable during OH squats.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

20 min AMRAP
4 squat cleans (155#)
6 pull-ups (thick bar)
8 burpees

8 rounds.

The emphasis was on heavy squat cleans, but just threw in the pull-ups and burpees for the met con aspect. Trying to prepare myself for doing 'johnson' again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

double wod

8 rounds for time of:
2 pull-ups (thick bar)
6 MB Cleans (20#)
8 alternating OH MB lunges(20#)

9:25 (with a 15# weight vest)

5 sets of 10 single arm thick DB presses (L and R)

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Cheif

5 rounds
3 min on/1 min off

3 power cleans @135#
6 push ups
9 squats

total rounds: 20 (I think I counted wrong on one. (6, 5, 5, 4, 5) I don't think I would have slipped that much! I am not certain, so I can't count it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

no workout, but worked my ass off

good news. I moved my pull up rack to the new place. it is going to be welded back together tomorrow morning. I also got and additional 6 feet of space in width. That is a huge amount of space to me!

I am looking forward to getting my place the way I want it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


75 power snatches @ 75#: 8:29

I used the hook grip for each of these...and now they hurt. Haha. I like snatches again. This weekend at the cert helped a lot. It is funny that everything that they taught about the snatch, Dominik already told me..but I just didn't do it! For some reason now I finally got it.

Also funny, how when telling my clients to do something, I tell them exactly how it should be done. I repeat and repeat again in several ways to get the desired heels down on the high pull. Once they finally get the heels down, it feels right to them and they understand! Sometimes it just takes long for it to 'click'. Mentally it feels better in the beginning to pull with the heels up because they think that it is stronger, but then after repeated cues, the heels go down then, oooohhhhh!

It was the same phenomenon with me and the snatch.. don't pull too early, be patient, stay on the heels, etc.

I am going to work some snatch progressions and work my snatch up. I think a reasonable goal is 125# by then end of the month. Not going to go too fast to get there. Really want to avoid getting hurt (like last time!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

AMRAP squat and push press

12 minutes amrap of 75% body weight back squats (120#): 85 reps
rest exactly 4 minutes
12 minutes amrap of 50% body weight push press (80#): 100 reps

I thought it was pretty tough. Could have worked harder to forced myself to take certain rest periods instead of just randomly. Ah well..variance.

Today I turned in my application for becoming a CrossFit affiliate. I have to wait some time, possibly two weeks before I hear anything back. I am pretty pumped about it all. It is definitely the direction I want to go. Hopefully I do not get too overwhelmed by the move, the build up, and affiliation.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crossfit cert

Did Fran at the crossfit certification: 5:00
a pr for me. I felt I could have done better. The mind is weak. It helped being around a bunch of motivated people of course... Having chris spealler and Graham the fittest people on the planet telling you to push harder. It was definitly cool being around them and talking with them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tabata mash-up

4 rounds with 90s rest @ 115# of:
(1) SHP
(1) PP
(1) PJ
(1) SHP
(1) PP
(1) PJ

tabata mash-up
95# single arm DL (alternating)
70# KB Russian swing

189 reps

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Balance Board

Today I made a balance board. It is a little lopsided. I chose not to put the stops in. I may later put them in. I had the saw, the plywood and the thought to make I did it. I hope to get better. I suck at at.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Whining

5 attempts for max reps OHS: m-95#, w-65#
single arm tire drags

I only did three.

Tired. Monday, Tuesday, the Saturday/Sunday bachelor party, the Sunday kayaking adventure lack of sleep in the last two nights left me exhausted.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Leg stuff

After OAth warm-up.
Front Squat
10 @ 95
6 @ 135
4 @ 155
1 @ 185
3 @ 185
1 @ 205
3 @ 205

8 minutes of light running.


3 rounds of:
10 reps at 70% of 1RM Front squat (145#)I went a light.
.25 mile run


Monday, July 26, 2010

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Me wod and Grace

With a continuously running clock:
4 rounds of 4 minute stations with 1 minute rest:

65# Hex DL
20# wallball
jump rope (jump rope was not scored)

Round 1: 81
Round 2: 70
Round 3: 63
Round 4: 56

Grace @ 135#


Monday, July 19, 2010

Random squat things
225 singles. In the past I have done 3 x 10 @ 225#. Whoa I lost it.

several C and J @ 135.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bulgarian split squats:
5x5 each leg
1) 70# kb
2+3) 65# barbell back
4+5) 65# barbell front

Ring Dips

2:49! I achieved my goal of under 3 min!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


21 rounds?
What a bitch to count. I need to video everything. Cindy is so hard to count.

Monday, July 12, 2010

5 @ 65
5 @ 65
5 @ 75
5 @ 75
5 @ 85
10 @ 85

"DT" @ 115#
5 rounds for time:

12 DL
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks


I have been sitting at my desk too long in comparison to standing around in Bally's or on the pool deck at the naval base so my posture is starting to feel like crap again. Really have to make a conscious effort to be in good posture all the time. I even tell my clients to be thinking of of it often. I don't want to be this hypocrite and be Quasimodo. Although he is quite jacked. hah. So I did some OHS to strengthen my posture and general strength. It feels good. I am looking forward to start to go heavy.

Friday, July 9, 2010

CF as prescribed


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
245 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
8 Muscle-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 9 reps

3 rounds + 1 DL

This was pretty bad. I estimated I would only complete three and that is all i did. Each exercise was tough: the DL's heavy, muscle ups-sweaty and just hard, and the squat cleans were exhausting.

Next time I have to string more DL's together and stop thinking so much when it comes to the squat cleans...also use some chalk for the MU's.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

slow hot run today. 3.5 miles

Clean and Jerk
4 @ 95
155 Push jerk
165 Split
175 Split
185 Split

The run took a bit out of me, granted it was 5 hour earlier in the day.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

posterior chain and snatch skill work

3 full body rollouts
50 back extensions
5 x 5 135# hex bent over row
hip and wrestlers bridge
Bone Crusher grips (I am closing the 250 now)
high pulls off the blocks 3 x 3 @ 95#
power snatch off the blocks 3 x 3 @ 95#

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Run day

Today I started reading "In Defense of Food-an eaters manifesto" by Michael Pollan.

He is pointing out how marketing has changed our way of thinking of what to eat. In the past, our mothers learned from their mothers what to eat. Over the last 80 years or so this knowledge was lost since mother were bombarded with marketing. More so than eating a variety of foods, our focus shifted to obtaining calories, nutrients, and vitamins. There is more to foods than just the main chemicals within them.

More than likely, you are smothered by the "western diet". Your food consumption is greatly composed of refined flour, sugars, processed 'foods' and lacks in prehistoric-like foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, fish, and free-range or grass fed animals. 'Foods' because much of the product eaten is really not food, but rather lab created food substitutes. Breast milk vs baby formula for example. One is natural, the other is just some combination. The original baby formula consisted of cow's milk, wheat flour, malted flour, and potassium bicarbonate.

More on this later...

I ran in the grass a bit barefoot did some running/footwork drills, and cartwheels. It feels good to be barefoot, especially on the grass.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back from Vacation

I took a vacation for several days in Puerto Rico. It was a beautiful site! Lindsay and I saw the rain forest, Old San Juan, Bacardii Distillery and spend quite a bit of time at the beach.

I must admit that my discipline of eating well and exercise diminished while on vacation. We exercised at the hotel and on the beach, and our diet wasn't that bad. This did inspire to me get back on track in several ways.

Vegetables-I didn't get enough of them. It is summer and they are so abundant to eat of the verge of vegetarianism. No beef for a month is what I am going to do. Why? Just to do it.

Exercise-I am always at a crossroad when it comes to exercise. My skill emphasis is snatch, muscle up, and run, my strength emphasis is squat, overhead press, and bent over row.

Mind-I need to practice quieting the mind, learn and read more useful information.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


40 min of 16kg kettlebell deadlifts, true snatch pulls, swings, squats, clean and press, box step ups, and snatches.

100 hindu squats
some jump squats, jumping jacks, jills, and various foot work.

Just putting in work.

I will probably do some pull-ups later.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


5x5 Front squats
135, 155, 175, 195, 205(2)

Inman Mile (scaled)
150# for a .5 mile (15:05)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


1 a day:
26 kneeling ab wheel rollouts (I am going to switch to full body rollouts, 26 is the max for the given time.)

Monday, May 24, 2010


1 a day: 65 push-ups

255# SQ
155# SHP
340# DL

750 Total

Didn't fully attempt max. Probably maxed at the press, could have gone heavier on the squat and dead.

6 sets of 3 reps:70# chinups

1 set of 10 chin ups

Saturday, May 22, 2010


1 a Day: 37 thick bar pull-ups

several 155# squat cleans and split jerks at Dominik's

Friday, May 21, 2010


26 kneeling ab wheel rollouts in 1 min

wrist curls (straight and bent wrists)
reverse curls
behind back wrist curls
and some other various 45# barbell movements to blast the grip

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Shoulder press: 3x3 @135#
Bench Press: Reps 10-1 @ 120#

100 toes to bar: 9:36

59 push-ups in 1 min.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


As many reps as possible in 2 min of 14# weight vest squats to med ball:96 reps

OA warm-up
Fran: 5:51

mental weakness

2 snatches 115# (PR i think)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I have been slacking.

I have been slacking.

I am starting up again and am planning on being more consistent with documentation.

Grace @135#- 6:19

about a minute SLOWER since January. No prob! I am bouncing back. I train ramdomly day though.

33 thick bar pull-ups in 1 minute.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Damn, more randomness

86 push-ups in 2 min (weak)
82 sit-ups in 2 min (weak)
50 wallball shots in 2 min (20# at 10ft)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random play

I don't know how I feel about the random stuff. It doesn't help track progression at all, but I know that it is better than nothing.

~total reps of each:

30 shoulder presses 95#
25 185# Deadlifts
50 pull-ups
10 push jerks 135#
6 OH squats (ouch my hip. wtf?)
25 back squats 135#
4 power cleans 185#
5 min handstand practice
7 power snatches 95#

Hex Max DL

I am weak sauce.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back in the swing of things...

I figured I needed to do something healthy after abusing myself at the Kentucky Derby while sick.

Sprint 200m
Lunge 200m
30 pull-ups
30 push-ups
30 sit-ups


I wasn't planning on doing the workout but just decided to jump in at the last minute. I also rested between the run and the pull-ups about 2 minutes. Just wanted to do something over nothing.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Jerk Jump Run

9-95# Push Jerk
21-Jump Squat
run .25 mile (slightly longer)


Front squats and back squats

I am sick. WTF. Injury and sickness are pet peeves of mine. Actually it is pure hatred.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Shoulder Press
135-145-150-155-160 fail-155(PR)

135# Deadlift/Burpee

Love the burpee.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Varied Movements

1 min each of:
left and right arm softball throws and catches
kettlebell swing 70#
lateral tire hopping
10# medbell side toss

3 rounds

I didn't count reps. just worked hard the whole time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Widowmaker and Squat cleans

20 reps in 2:10

Could have warmed up better.

Squat clean and split jerk.
195 squat clean was easy failed on the jerk. Shoulder was sliding around. x2

Squat clean.
225 fail

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I tried the SSST again today. I forgot the official rules of the test...I did set it down a few times and my finishing position could have been more overhead. The kettlebell always moved around away from the swing position and to the supported position on the back of the wrist but didn't stay there for very long at all.

I don't understand how people can get 300 with a 32kg bell! My 16kg was light, so it allowed me to get a bit sloppy with the movement. I am ready for a 32kg snatch test.

4/21/10 253 Reps
3/16/10 179 Reps

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


6:43 @ 95#

I am going to bump it to 105# or 115# next week.

and 50-65# thrusters in 2:53.

Who says there is not enough time for a (good) workout.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Yesterday I put my training into action. I worked for my building owner pulling up 3000 square feet of glued carpet. It was quite the workload. I am all about getting it done. I worked hard and fast. Pulled all that carpet in an hour. It felt like tire drags to me!

Today I ran 2 miles in 7:14. I surprised myself. Running makes me just want to sleep!

I plan to pick up some heavy stuff today.

135# Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

KB complex-1 pood (16kg or 35#)

3 rounds right and left hand alternating:

10 DL
10 CL
10 SQ
10 Snatch with lower instead of swing snatch

240 reps @ 7:25

Pretty much at full speed the whole time. Should have made longer sets or done more rounds or just went amrap in 20 min. Time to "get comfortable with being uncomfortable."

Standing Broad Jump

102.75 inches. (8 feet 6.75 inches) I want 9 feet.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Time for conditioning.

DT @ 95#'s of weakness.

12 DL
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

5 rounds in 8:12

For the next four+ weeks I am going to follow this...hopefully.

3 days on
1 day off (but still doing my warm-up)
2 days on
1 day off

1-Heavy Barbell complex (deadlift, squat clean, push jerk emphasis)
2-High intensity calisthenics ~20-30 min (variations of: sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, body weight row, lunges and back extension)
3-Kettlebell complex (swing clean, snatch, deadlift, squat and lunge)
5-Heavy Stuff 2-6 reps (Deadlift, Squat, Shoulder Press, Bent Row)
6-High skill gymnastics (rope climb, handstand push-ups, single-leg squats, ring work) and/or Benchmark WOD (the girls)

I am going to do my mobility/flexibility warm-up Monday-Saturday and do whatever movements work requires such as running, leading stretches, demonstrating etc.

Currently the heaviest I have been in my life tipping the scale at 156# (clothed).

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Soar as hell from Tuesday! I took Wednesday off. Thursday consisted of a some deadlifts throughout the formal workout. 95# to 235#.

I lead about 40 minutes of PT.

I plan to pick up some heavy stuff today. I like that feeling. My drive to do conditioning is minimal.

This blows my mind!

Thursday 100408


Five rounds for time of:
155 pound Deadlift, 12 reps
155 pound Hang power clean, 9 reps
155 pound Push jerk, 6 reps

Jason Khalipa 6:16.

Maybe 95#'s is a good start for me! Kinda makes me want to throw up regardless of the weight on the bar.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

OH Squat and sit, bk ext, pull ups

Overhead Squat
95 x 5
145 x 4
145 x 3
145 x 5
145 x 5
145 x 4

3 rounds for time:
20 GHD sit-ups
20 back extensions
20 pull-ups

~100 yard sprints 2 x @ 50%, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100%

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New equipment.

Today I got a free barbell, 160#'s of weights and bench. I couldn't pass up the cost of it. I have not benched in a long time. It felt pretty good to get under the bar last week. Now surprise I have an actual bench instead of stacking plyo boxes next to each other!

Powerlifter techniques really help get a full body contraction. I did a few lockouts once I got the bar. Good old isometrics!

Dominik has challenged me to duel :

For time:

5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 45 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps

Post time to comments.

I am a bit concerned with my conditioning. I haven't really done any of it the whole month of March. My strength is up and hopefully my strength carries me through. It has been a while since I have last practiced muscle-ups.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Front Squat and Widow Maker

Front Squats:
12 @ 95#
5 @ 175#
3 @ 195#
2 @ 215#
Fail @ 235#
1 Power Clean @ 175#
5 @ 175#

Back Squat Widow Maker:
20 @ 175# (2:20)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Rest Day

I was all pumped to rest today. Of course I didn't rest. I jumped in on a round of a circuit consisting of 1 min stations, 30s rest (35# KB goblet squat, jumping pull-ups, 95# hex DL, 65# shoulder press-10 and push presses for the remainder) total of 145 reps.

A bunch of pull-ups too. No idea how many. My hands are wrecked.

I am looking forward to reaching some new PR's. I feel it has been a while. I have to check my records to see what I want to get beast at again. Any suggestions?

Damn. I had a bunch of my PR's in a Facebook it is missing! That sucks.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heavy Things

Hex Bar Deadlift singles (high bar position)
1) 275
2) 305
3) 325
4) 345
5) 365
6) 385 with belt (fail)
7) 365
8) 375 (fail)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beef Cake

Warm up
Bench Press
155 x 10
Hex bent row (thick)
115 x 10

Superset-2 sets
BP 175 x 6
Row 135 x 6
200 x 1
185 x 1
185 x 6 (broken set)
165 x 6
205 x 1 (near death failure)
195 x 1
165 x 10 (broken set)
125 x 10
weight vest work:
ab wheel 22 reps
GHD situps 20 reps
20 pull-ups (broken)
wrestlers bridge
I am tired.
I am forcing food.
I weigh a whopping 155lbs.
I need some 'weight gain 4000'.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Leg work.

Back squat (olympic stance)
135# x 10
sled drag and push @80#
185# x 10
sled drag and push @80#
185# x 10
sled drag and push @80#
255# x 1
205# x 10
sled drag and push @80#
205# x 10
sled drag and push @115#
135# x 20

sled work builds determination and makes you cry and bitch.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jack of all trades - master of all

World Champion Valery Fedorenko, performs 60 reps Jerk with the 60kg/132lb Kettlebell setting a new World Record.

This is really amazing in many different ways (strength, power, stamina, mental toughness, cardio respiratory endurance, balance, accuracy, coordination, and speed) not so much agility or flexibility. However, even with all these elements of fitness, it is very specific to kettlebell lifting. The more time and hard work you put into something, over time you will get better.

I battle with trying to figure out a way to get someone into great shape by limiting the movements that they do. For example, it requires strength and flexibility to overhead squat a load. However I know people who have poor flexibility but can still perform a decent load overhead squat. Instead of just improving on this one movement that requires strength and flexibility, other movements should be implemented. Limiting movements is not the answer. It is continuous progression, or even maintenance of high strength/flexibility movements such as back bends, and windmills that will keep people mobile and healthy.

Barbell Deadlifts
10 @ 135#
6 @ 275#
2 @ 315#
1 @ 315#
5 @285#
1 @ 285#
1 @ 295#
1 @ 305#

Pretty random numbers. I am still finding that having a narrow, or even heels together stance activates my glutes more effectively than having a wider stance. I have not been doing as many sled pulls and pushes as I'd like. Time to do more.

I gotta say, when I was working for the Navy, I had the opportunity to be moving a lot! I took advantage of it much of the time. Even now I have the opportunity to still be doing a lot, but I don't do as much. One thing that I noticed is that volume makes a huge difference! I lifted, I ran, swam occasionally, lead pull-ups workouts, warm-ups, leg and plate PT's. The volume was huge. It wasn't always what I wanted to do, but my body could handle it. The training environment makes a huge difference. I do like to train alone, but I really know the benefits of training as a group or leading a group. I have got to lead from the front!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Week Three of Strength with the SSST

Yesterday I had some fun with some lockout standing presses with assistance from 2 purple ironwoody bands. I was working standing press, push press, and push jerks inside the rack with 155-225# lockouts.

185# barbell bent row
40# weight vest suspension push-ups
40# parallet push-ups
(4-10-5) x 3

135# barbell bent row
15# weight vest parallet push-ups
15# weight vest suspension push-ups

Secret Service Snatch Test

16kg kettlebell - 179 reps

I went into it cautiously, but before I knew it I had three minutes to go. I do know that I got a whole lot more in my final three minutes compared to my initial three. I did the test using the full hang snatch for the upward and downward movements compared to the lowering to the shoulder. My back is fatigued so will opt to use the lowering method next time. Maybe a 24kg when I get one.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Back Squat
10 @ 135#
6 @ 185#
6@ 215 #
1 @ 215#
6 @ 235#
1 @ 255#
12 @ 185#
30 @ 155#

After looking at the video I feel that I could be using a lower box. I used a 12" box, and had a towel folded up also. I also could have paused on the box a bit longer before moving back up. Overall I felt pretty strong on the lifts. This workout is similar to 'Strength I' on Alwyn Cosgrove's, "New Rules of Lifting."

My legs are feeling good after deadlifts on Wednesday.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ripping trees right out of the ground!

Brooks Kubik's-Top Ten Things that
Happen When You Train Heavy.

No. 10 -- Your thumbs get sore. (Big deal – that’s what tape
is for.)

No. 9 – You get really hungry, and after your workout you go
inside and more or less inhale a huge meal. Extra on the
protein. Sort of like food was going out of style.

No. 8 -- You wake up the next morning, and you roll out of
bed and feel like you could rip trees right out of the ground.

No. 7 -- You go out to the garage to check on your weights –
and they’re still sleeping! (You tired them out.)

No. 6 – Your squat stands are half an inch shorter than they
used to be.

No. 5 -- Your lifting shoes groan when you walk by.

No. 4 -- Your dog digs a large hole in the backyard – just in
case he needs to bury you after your next workout.

No. 3 -- The dumbbells load themselves – and they’re ten pounds
heavier than you remember.

No. 2 – That big sandbag you carry starts doing pushups every
morning – just to keep up with you.

No. 1 – Your power rack starts using ice-packs after each workout.

Thanks for reading, and remember – a chuckle a day is worth an
extra ten pounds on your squat bar!
Double under practice ~6 min

Thick handle hex bar DL's
2 x 5 @ 155#
1 x 255#
4 x 315#
4 x 315#
5 x 315#
8 x 315# (belt)

Prowler push @ 65#
~75 yards
2 sprints
2 slow drives

4 x 10 RDL @ 135#

indian club swings
wrestlers bridge
lunge matrix
x-band walk
back extension
ab wheel
chest expander

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Big squeeze!

Today I received my 'Bone Crusher 150, 200, and 250#' grips. I went with Bone Crusher brand from because I saw a link on In addition, they were cheaper than the Captain's of Crush which now debating whether it was the better choice. Once I can close the 250# with authority 10 times with each hand I will invest in some CoC grippers. I am somewhat disappointed in the strength of the grippers. I was hoping that I couldn't even move the 250# gripper, but unfortunately I can nearly close it with my right hand. Stupid left hand is a bit weaker. The 200# seems almost easier to close than the 150#. The handles are a bit more narrow than the 250# and 150#.

Of course I could not resist working my grip immediately after getting the grips in the mail. I am already feeling the fatigue and I have not even worked out yet.

My legs feel a little beat up from the sled sprints yesterday. DL's tomorrow!

.5 mile warm-up run

175# thick handle hex bent row
40# weight vest ring push-ups
superset with 2 min rest (4, 10; 4, 10; 3, 6; 3,6; 3, 6; 3, 6; 3, 6; 3,6)

thick handle 70# DB row
thick handle 70# floor press
superset (10, 5; 10, 5; 10, 5)

Back extensions
indian club swings
chest expander
wrestlers bridge
ab wheel
x-band walk
lunge matrix

Monday, March 8, 2010

Here's to heavy!

Starting my second week of strength training has left me feeling...strong. Today I performed presses with various equipment including:
95# and 135# Barbell presses (3 x 5 @ 135# I surprised myself!)
35# and 70# TGUs
65# Thick handle DB presses
95# thick handle hex bar presses

As a finisher I ran some sprints with my new speed sled I constructed. 0 weight, 40# and 90# sprints and drags from waist harness.

My new pieces of equipment! Some semi truck tires for heavy drags and a sled for sprint work.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My squat sucks!

I am bad at squats, so I don't like doing them even though I know how important they are. I am afraid. I hate disappointment. I need to overcome the weak mind and start training my weakness.

5 x 5 box back squat 185# OMFG weak.
1 x 50 squats 95#
1 x 25 split squats each leg 95#
2 x 10 jump squats 95#

I will find out tomorrow if this day was a bit too much...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feeding the Furnace

I feel that it is such a chore to be eating all of the time! Now that my training has changed towards developing more strength, I have found that my body is burning fuel beyond belief! Waking up at 3:30 starving sucks. I was too lazy to stuff something in my mouth at that time. I didn't get good sleep after that. I was thinking of food and about the catabolic state I was in. Are protein shakes in the middle of the night really the answer to getting the strength gains want? How would it affect my digestive system and sleep? The first few days of my strength program have been wonderfully exhausting. Being surrounded by all of my equipment and clients, I am eager to use equipment and participate in various workouts.

Strength, conditioning, or strength and conditioning. Linear periodization, non-linear periodization, bi-lateral, or unilateral. Intensity and recovery. So many things to think about. I know that there is no perfect system. My training in the past has just been a mosh of various training styles which follows the non-linear periodization or conjugate training method. This month is strength based, I am looking forward to seeing some strength gains!

Today's recovery day workout consisted of:
.5 mile run
wrestler's bridge
indian club swings
chest expander
ab wheel
back extension
x-band walk
grip work

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Run-~1.25 miles (non-continuous)

Hex Bar DL

3 singles at 315# (1 3/4" dia. thick bar)

5 @ 225# (1 3/4" dia. thick bar)
8 @ 245# with belt(1 3/4" dia. thick bar)
6 @ 275# with belt(1 3/4" dia. thick bar)
10 @ 275# high handles no belt
13 @ 275# high handles no belt

Some back extension, ab wheel, lunge matrix, wrestlers bridge, indian club swinging, chest expander, x-band walks, and grip work

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6 round supersets of:
6-155# Hex Bent row
10-15#weight vest ring push ups

Some back extension, ab wheel, lunge matrix, wrestlers bridge, indian club swinging, chest expander, x-band walks, and grip work

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

25:54 – 4 rounds of:

3 rounds
8-24″box jumps
6-135# push press
3-70# kb american siwng
Rest exactly 3 min after the 3 rounds

70# Snatches-9 left and 13 right
70# Snatches -12 left and 14 right

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a few-70# KB Turkish getups

27:23- Michael:
3 rounds
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

Monday, January 25, 2010

21-15-9 @ 11:17
handstand push-ups (head to floor)
ring dips

185# Front box squats (5×5)
1. 12″ box
2. 16″ box
3. no box
4. 12″ box
5. 16 ” box

Saturday, January 23, 2010

100 pull-ups 4:58 -not that good. back on 5/1/09 i did 90 in 3:50 as part of ‘tabata something else.’

Friday, January 22, 2010

100 back extensions
26-95# Overhead squats

12:36-3 rounds of 50 double unders and 50 back extensions
Jump rope-melting double under practice. (Brad, your green rope died.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

rubber band hip abduction
monkeying around on the pull-up apparatus

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 minutes of weight vest and ankle weight bodyweight exercises

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5 Round Superset:
5-ring dips (35#) / 5-pull-ups (70#)

I think10 or 11 rounds in 20 min of:
10-GHD Sit-ups
10-Back extensions
10-Wallball (20#, 10 ft)

(brain stopped working and camera shut off- I had 6 complete rounds at 11 min)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Something over nothing randomness:
5 minutes of racked 16kg kb box step ups
3 minutes of 95# box step ups front rack
34 thick bar pull-ups in 1 minute
62 air squats in 1 minute
13 head to floor handstand push-ups 1 set
15 back squats 135#
5 singles of 245# deadlift @ 1 min intervals
5 ab wheel rollouts
25 single leg squats straight each leg
double under practice

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2 rounds-1 minute stations of:
jump rope
air squats
box jumps 20″
lunge with twist
JC Band bow and arrow
lateral shuffle
flutter kicks
KB swing 16kg
wallball 20#
45# thrusters
push-up with rotation
skin the cat
Russian twist
lateral squat
handstand hold
high pull 45#
hip extension/sandbag shouldering

Friday, January 15, 2010

double under practice 15 minutes
Alternating headstand/handstand 1 minute of each for 13 minutes staying inverted.

50 pull-ups
50 air squats
25 burpees

snatch progression (power snatch, hang snatch, full snatch, OH squats, 45# and 65#)

4 round couplet of:
4 muscle-ups
10, 9, 8, 7 Hang Power Cleans @135#

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

295# DL 1 on the minute for 10 minutes
10-15# weight vest pull-ups on the minute for 5 minutes
10-pull-ups on the minute for 5 minutes

Friday, January 8, 2010

215# Power Clean
41 Pull-ups Max
70# Snatches-10 left and 10 right