Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Things I need to work on

Hip Stability

I have a tendency to rotate a bit when coming out of the bottom of the squat.  I have been experiencing some pain in my hip flexor of my right leg.

I need to incorporate more single leg movements and really load through my hip to activate my glute.

Lower Trap and Lat Activation

I need to just do more JC band pulls and pull ups while focusing on activation of those muscles.

Glute Strength
I am going to start experimenting with hip thrusts. A Bret Contreras specialty. Success story of hip thrusts. 

Foot and Ankle Strength
Just having had tons of different injuries to my ankles, I know and feel that there is just general weakness in my ankles, especially on my right side.  This also could be the cause of my right hip issue.

The single leg work should help improve stability.