Friday, April 9, 2010

Time for conditioning.

DT @ 95#'s of weakness.

12 DL
9 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Jerk

5 rounds in 8:12

For the next four+ weeks I am going to follow this...hopefully.

3 days on
1 day off (but still doing my warm-up)
2 days on
1 day off

1-Heavy Barbell complex (deadlift, squat clean, push jerk emphasis)
2-High intensity calisthenics ~20-30 min (variations of: sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, body weight row, lunges and back extension)
3-Kettlebell complex (swing clean, snatch, deadlift, squat and lunge)
5-Heavy Stuff 2-6 reps (Deadlift, Squat, Shoulder Press, Bent Row)
6-High skill gymnastics (rope climb, handstand push-ups, single-leg squats, ring work) and/or Benchmark WOD (the girls)

I am going to do my mobility/flexibility warm-up Monday-Saturday and do whatever movements work requires such as running, leading stretches, demonstrating etc.

Currently the heaviest I have been in my life tipping the scale at 156# (clothed).