Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My CrossFit-defined

CrossFit is what you want it to be. It is amazing because so many various forms of training/fitness fall under the "Constantly varied, functional movements executed at high intensity." definition. In addition, strength, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, flexibility and accuracy can be trained in various ways or of varying degree. Some may feel that one general physical skill is of greater importance and should be trained over another. While another may believe the complete opposite. You can train each element individually, or using combined movements.

How do I define CrossFit?
Simply, it cannot be defined. CrossFit is so progressive and cannot be summed up into a concise definition. It is about success and survival of the fittest. Being able to pick up something heavy and pressing it overhead, carrying heavy things, pushing or pulling heavy objects, climbing, crawling, sprinting, throwing, punching, kicking, wrestling, jumping, dodging, swimming, is CrossFit. I feel that CrossFit is a test to the ultimate animal on Earth; humans. I believe that cavemen were our ancestors-primal beings that passed along genes that were built on survival. We have the caveman inside of us. Yes, it is so. We have just become soft from our technology. Many people will die within days without it! CrossFit improves survival rate. If something catastrophic happened, CrossFitters will be more apt for survival.

Ay my age, I feel that strength, power and speed top my list, while agility and accuracy are lower on my hierarchy of the 10 General Physical Skills. Of course they are all extremely important. But as you age, strength, power and speed are the first to go. I want to train these elements to extend the duration of strength, power and speed in my life.

As far as Weightlifting, Gymnastics and Monostructural,at this point in my life, weightlifting has more of my attention. Getting stronger is like trying to climb the biggest go PAST the heights of the beginner mountains. Training for strength/power/speed through weightlifting will improve your balance, agility, coordination, cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, flexibility and accuracy, but never visa versa.

It's about art and sport.

It's about fun.
You wouldn't be enjoying it if it wasn't fun somehow. If you don't like it, goodbye. Go get on the low survival rate list.

It's about you.
I do this for me. It does something to me. It makes me want to be better. Do you want to be better or worse, at anything? If you want to be worse at something go crawl in a hole and die. Stop wasting my air.