Wednesday, November 2, 2011

If you care at all about your health and life.

Consider this:

If you stop breathing, most people will probably pass out in 1 to 2 minutes and suffer brain damage around 5 minutes.

"In hot conditions with no water, dehydration can set in within an hour. A baby locked in a hot car or someone who is physically overexerted in the heat without replacing fluids can actually die in a period of several hours."

Ghandi fasted without food for 21 days. Medically speaking, most doctors agree that healthy humans can go up to eight weeks without food as long as they have water.

Although these are extreme cases of strictly survival, this goes to show how important these simple components of life are often overlooked, or under appreciated. These extremes make a difference to me. I am probably not breathing enough, not drinking enough, and am overly concerned with food.

I am not going to stop breathing, drinking, or fast for any long period of time. Although these are often parts of life that just happen without any thought, you are in control of these simple life sustaining elements. The diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing, it can be trained through practice of diaphragmatic breathing.  Drink more water and eat healthy clean food.  Duh.

power cleans

3 x 5 Power Cleans

(80kg, 90kg, 95kg)