Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Big squeeze!

Today I received my 'Bone Crusher 150, 200, and 250#' grips. I went with Bone Crusher brand from ironwoodyfitness.com because I saw a link on rosstraining.com. In addition, they were cheaper than the Captain's of Crush which now debating whether it was the better choice. Once I can close the 250# with authority 10 times with each hand I will invest in some CoC grippers. I am somewhat disappointed in the strength of the grippers. I was hoping that I couldn't even move the 250# gripper, but unfortunately I can nearly close it with my right hand. Stupid left hand is a bit weaker. The 200# seems almost easier to close than the 150#. The handles are a bit more narrow than the 250# and 150#.

Of course I could not resist working my grip immediately after getting the grips in the mail. I am already feeling the fatigue and I have not even worked out yet.

My legs feel a little beat up from the sled sprints yesterday. DL's tomorrow!

.5 mile warm-up run

175# thick handle hex bent row
40# weight vest ring push-ups
superset with 2 min rest (4, 10; 4, 10; 3, 6; 3,6; 3, 6; 3, 6; 3, 6; 3,6)

thick handle 70# DB row
thick handle 70# floor press
superset (10, 5; 10, 5; 10, 5)

Back extensions
indian club swings
chest expander
wrestlers bridge
ab wheel
x-band walk
lunge matrix