Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kettlebell Long Cycle

I decided I need to couple some more kettlebell work into my training. Balancing heavy barbell wotk with lighter unilateral movements will hopefuly correct some bodily imbalance issues that have developed from doing mostly bilateral movements. There is something that is often off in my hips or back. My assumptions. I am recruiting improper muscles. I have a limb length difference. That's it. One or a compination of those is causing some problems.

Today I planned on going a 10 min clean and jerk kettlebell test...I decided just to go longer. I did 10 minutes on my right hand then 10 minutes on my left. I did set the bell down for less than 5 seconds at a time. But I was pretty consistent with the movements themselves.

35# Clean and jerk/press

Total : 221

~40 ring push ups

Mobolity work with jump stretch band (upper and lower body)