Thursday, March 4, 2010

Feeding the Furnace

I feel that it is such a chore to be eating all of the time! Now that my training has changed towards developing more strength, I have found that my body is burning fuel beyond belief! Waking up at 3:30 starving sucks. I was too lazy to stuff something in my mouth at that time. I didn't get good sleep after that. I was thinking of food and about the catabolic state I was in. Are protein shakes in the middle of the night really the answer to getting the strength gains want? How would it affect my digestive system and sleep? The first few days of my strength program have been wonderfully exhausting. Being surrounded by all of my equipment and clients, I am eager to use equipment and participate in various workouts.

Strength, conditioning, or strength and conditioning. Linear periodization, non-linear periodization, bi-lateral, or unilateral. Intensity and recovery. So many things to think about. I know that there is no perfect system. My training in the past has just been a mosh of various training styles which follows the non-linear periodization or conjugate training method. This month is strength based, I am looking forward to seeing some strength gains!

Today's recovery day workout consisted of:
.5 mile run
wrestler's bridge
indian club swings
chest expander
ab wheel
back extension
x-band walk
grip work