Thursday, May 31, 2012

Barbell and Gymnastics

Today I hit 2 PR's!  Whoa, it has been a while.

106kg Clean and Jerk

12 consecutive muscle ups.


Recently a friend asked me about my views on this product called 'Shakeology', and if it works.

Everything works.  This is good vegetables blended up..and if you are replacing fast food or generally shit food with a bunch of vegetables it will definitely work.  Since you will be spending big money on this product, you will probably not want to spend as much eating out, and drinking a ton of bad calories because you wouldn't want to waste money and you want to see results.  This product will work great for people who don't have time to prepare meals and don't mind spending the money.

There is no substitute for eating fresh vegetables.  Fresh vegetables can be blended up the same way as Shakeology.  Of course they will not taste the same.  With many of these kinds of diets, shakes, slimfast, special K, all you do is replace a bad meal with one with vitamins and protein and fiber.  Here is my version of shakeology: 
Sometimes you just don't want to eat your veggies. Drinking them can be quicker and easier.
Dark leafy greens, chunk of banana, whey and water.

How did it taste?  like blended greens, chunk of banana, whey and water!  I am sure you already assume that the shakeology isn't going to taste like fuh-king Jamba Juice!  But you'd still drink it for the results.  Sometimes you just have to override bad taste, discomfort, and 'i don't want to' for the sake of nutrition, fitness/health, and exercise.  Trust me, there are many days that I don't want to train because I hurt.  Overridden!  I do something, just not nothing.

So my advice was :

Sure try the shake, but work on getting your priorities straight.  Practice preparing your own meals, so when you go broke from buying a bag of shakeology a week, you will not be overwhelmed when you quit the shakes.

Remember everything works.  Just follow the instructions.