Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jack of all trades - master of all

World Champion Valery Fedorenko, performs 60 reps Jerk with the 60kg/132lb Kettlebell setting a new World Record.

This is really amazing in many different ways (strength, power, stamina, mental toughness, cardio respiratory endurance, balance, accuracy, coordination, and speed) not so much agility or flexibility. However, even with all these elements of fitness, it is very specific to kettlebell lifting. The more time and hard work you put into something, over time you will get better.

I battle with trying to figure out a way to get someone into great shape by limiting the movements that they do. For example, it requires strength and flexibility to overhead squat a load. However I know people who have poor flexibility but can still perform a decent load overhead squat. Instead of just improving on this one movement that requires strength and flexibility, other movements should be implemented. Limiting movements is not the answer. It is continuous progression, or even maintenance of high strength/flexibility movements such as back bends, and windmills that will keep people mobile and healthy.

Barbell Deadlifts
10 @ 135#
6 @ 275#
2 @ 315#
1 @ 315#
5 @285#
1 @ 285#
1 @ 295#
1 @ 305#

Pretty random numbers. I am still finding that having a narrow, or even heels together stance activates my glutes more effectively than having a wider stance. I have not been doing as many sled pulls and pushes as I'd like. Time to do more.

I gotta say, when I was working for the Navy, I had the opportunity to be moving a lot! I took advantage of it much of the time. Even now I have the opportunity to still be doing a lot, but I don't do as much. One thing that I noticed is that volume makes a huge difference! I lifted, I ran, swam occasionally, lead pull-ups workouts, warm-ups, leg and plate PT's. The volume was huge. It wasn't always what I wanted to do, but my body could handle it. The training environment makes a huge difference. I do like to train alone, but I really know the benefits of training as a group or leading a group. I have got to lead from the front!