Saturday, August 21, 2010

20 min AMRAP
4 squat cleans (155#)
6 pull-ups (thick bar)
8 burpees

8 rounds.

The emphasis was on heavy squat cleans, but just threw in the pull-ups and burpees for the met con aspect. Trying to prepare myself for doing 'johnson' again.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

double wod

8 rounds for time of:
2 pull-ups (thick bar)
6 MB Cleans (20#)
8 alternating OH MB lunges(20#)

9:25 (with a 15# weight vest)

5 sets of 10 single arm thick DB presses (L and R)

Monday, August 16, 2010

The Cheif

5 rounds
3 min on/1 min off

3 power cleans @135#
6 push ups
9 squats

total rounds: 20 (I think I counted wrong on one. (6, 5, 5, 4, 5) I don't think I would have slipped that much! I am not certain, so I can't count it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

no workout, but worked my ass off

good news. I moved my pull up rack to the new place. it is going to be welded back together tomorrow morning. I also got and additional 6 feet of space in width. That is a huge amount of space to me!

I am looking forward to getting my place the way I want it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


75 power snatches @ 75#: 8:29

I used the hook grip for each of these...and now they hurt. Haha. I like snatches again. This weekend at the cert helped a lot. It is funny that everything that they taught about the snatch, Dominik already told me..but I just didn't do it! For some reason now I finally got it.

Also funny, how when telling my clients to do something, I tell them exactly how it should be done. I repeat and repeat again in several ways to get the desired heels down on the high pull. Once they finally get the heels down, it feels right to them and they understand! Sometimes it just takes long for it to 'click'. Mentally it feels better in the beginning to pull with the heels up because they think that it is stronger, but then after repeated cues, the heels go down then, oooohhhhh!

It was the same phenomenon with me and the snatch.. don't pull too early, be patient, stay on the heels, etc.

I am going to work some snatch progressions and work my snatch up. I think a reasonable goal is 125# by then end of the month. Not going to go too fast to get there. Really want to avoid getting hurt (like last time!)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

AMRAP squat and push press

12 minutes amrap of 75% body weight back squats (120#): 85 reps
rest exactly 4 minutes
12 minutes amrap of 50% body weight push press (80#): 100 reps

I thought it was pretty tough. Could have worked harder to forced myself to take certain rest periods instead of just randomly. Ah well..variance.

Today I turned in my application for becoming a CrossFit affiliate. I have to wait some time, possibly two weeks before I hear anything back. I am pretty pumped about it all. It is definitely the direction I want to go. Hopefully I do not get too overwhelmed by the move, the build up, and affiliation.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crossfit cert

Did Fran at the crossfit certification: 5:00
a pr for me. I felt I could have done better. The mind is weak. It helped being around a bunch of motivated people of course... Having chris spealler and Graham the fittest people on the planet telling you to push harder. It was definitly cool being around them and talking with them.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tabata mash-up

4 rounds with 90s rest @ 115# of:
(1) SHP
(1) PP
(1) PJ
(1) SHP
(1) PP
(1) PJ

tabata mash-up
95# single arm DL (alternating)
70# KB Russian swing

189 reps

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Balance Board

Today I made a balance board. It is a little lopsided. I chose not to put the stops in. I may later put them in. I had the saw, the plywood and the thought to make I did it. I hope to get better. I suck at at.