Thursday, November 25, 2010


"DT" @ Dominik's

135# @ 15:31

I need to work on my receiving at the power position. I tend to not stick my butt back as far as I should.

15' rope climb (1) - no legs

Monday, November 22, 2010


20 min AMRAP

7 pull up
7 ring dips
14 dumbbell lunges (20#)

12 rounds

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Push Press
10 @ 45#
10 @ 88#
8 @ 108#
4 @ 154#
3 @ 164#
2 @ 169#
1 @ 174#
1 @ 179#
1 @ 184#
1 @ 184 # (PR)

5 @ 220#
1 @ 298#
1 @ 318#

Monday, November 15, 2010


20 min AMRAP

10 back extensions or reverse hyperextensions
6 reverse burpees
8 dumbbell lunges

11 rounds

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010


40-45min of madness

10 min treadmill incline 25# DB walking /running (no weight)

5 rounds of:
20 dips
20 air squats

10 Bulgarian split squats (each leg)
10 Bulgarian split squats with 25# DB at side

5 Overhead DB presses split stance
5 front rack split squats with 25#
5 overhead split squats with 25# DB
5 split stance thrusters with 25# DB
(on both legs)

5 @ 95# bent over rows
5 @ 95# snatch grip deadlifts
5 @ 95# overhead presses

~15 GHD sit ups
~20 pilates ball sit ups
~3 minutes of flutter kicks and goof morning darlings

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


10 @ 45# x 2
10 @ 88#
6 @ 124#
6 @ 80kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg +10#
3 @ 110kg +20#
3 @ 110kg +20#
3 @ 110kg +30#

Monday, November 8, 2010


20 min AMRAP
6 @ 30# thrusters (alternating arms each round)
6 burpees

19 rounds

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Mobility for ankles, thoracic spine, and hips
Front squats
8 @ 45#
10 @ 95#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 135#
10 @ 155#
10 @ 155#
10 @ 145#

After attending The 2010 Mid-American Weightlifting Championships at WCS Gattone Sports Performance I changed a few things about my technique for this workout. I typically have my elbows relatively closer to my mid-line, but decided to have my elbows a bit more adducted. I felt a little more pain in my shoulders from the pressure and in my wrists from increased extension. However, this did encourage external rotation of my shoulders and drove my elbows up higher (to protect my wrist) which in turn tightened up my thoracic spine. I only tried this on my last set @ 145# as I was thinking of getting more work in the earlier sets and more technique on the last one.

~10min WOD
4 rounds @ 75#
5 Snatch grip DL
5 Snatch grip high pull
5 Power snatch (Floor to power position)
5 Overhead squats
5 Bent Rows

finished with 5 full snatches.

Definitely felt much better and stable with the snatch after watching Courtney and the other at the O-lifting meet. Definitely must externally rotate the shoulder when receiving the bar for the snatch. It just locks the bar into a much more stable position. I was tired after all of that, so doing the snatches really forced me to focus on my technique granted it was only 75#.

Thursday, November 4, 2010




20 seconds slower than my PR.

My cleans were strong, jerks felt a little wobbly.

There are mirrors in the gym I workout at now. I noticed my right heel lift up on the jerk dip. I also noticed this in some old videos I reviewed recently. On another occasion, with Dominik and Amanda my right heel also came up during the dip phase of the jerk.

Are weight lifting shoes to answer to the problem? More flexible ankles?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010



10 @ 50kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg
3 @ 110kg + 10#
3 @ 110kg + 10#
3 @ 110kg + 30#

Monday, November 1, 2010


20 min AMRAP

10 Goblet squats 60#
10 push-ups
5 pull-ups

14 rounds