Saturday, November 24, 2012

110kg power clean (PR) 105kg power clean + hang clean (PR) 90kg push press single

Thursday, November 8, 2012

article on push ups.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Paleo plus raisins!

The time has come once again to experiment with weight gain. For many years I have been teaching people the Paleo way. Through my experience it is a great way of eating moving away from the typical American shit diet to improve health and stay or get lean. Paleo to me is not hunting squirrels at the park and roasting them or gathering dandilions, but just eating lots of meat, typically very high fat and a ton of vegetables. Healthy and lean? Yes. Ridiculously jacked and strong? No. I think it about time to work on that a bit. Last year I was pounding the milk down. Like three gallons of whole milk worth per week. Not doing that again. I was kinda chubby, pretty bloated all the time and had to pee a lot. So after I cut my milk, I lost quite a.few pounds and leaned out. This time, I am gaining weight still Paleo, no milk, leaner than with the milk. I am adding just more sweet potatoes and more raisins. Higher carbs. Fat will probably be.the.same until I start to get noticeably fat. I set a goal of gaining 1#/week at the start of this for 15 weeks. This should put me up to 180# by the time this squat deadlift cycle ends...somewhere around February 2013. I am still going to avoid garbage food. Must be said.

Update 3/19/2013:
I did not gain 1# per week.  That was freaking hard!  I actually had to take it easy on the raisins.  They gave me gas.  (what doesn't give me gas?! ) Haha.  Maybe just too much over the course of the day.  I probably just need a few in the middle of a heavy workout day, or just post workout.  So I did get up to 175#...That was amazing.  So I decided to take some of the weight down in preparation for the CF Games Open.  Pull ups were damn hard.  Get stronger in one area, get weaker in another.  Once the Open ends, it's back to get huge and strong.