Friday, October 28, 2011


345# barbell deadlift with mixed hook grip

160kg hex bar (high handle) deadlift 352#

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

oly lifting

PR clean and jerk (98kg)

power clean.
I suck at getting out of the hole from a clean.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OHS Test

My 15RM of OHS:

I could have gone heavier. I tried 60kg, but that was a bit too much for the amount of energy I had.

Did a 27 second L-sit on the p bar yesterday.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dairy and Sprints

Today I ran 10 x 100 yard sprints. After running drills, I ran the 100's followed by 100 yard walk recovery. If you do the math, it was only like less than 150 seconds of work. (~15s/100yard sprint) x 10 = ~150 seconds. I tell ya, a tough 150 seconds.

I have introduced dairy back into my diet. There have been some recent posts about GOMAD Diet to gain 25lbs in 25 days. GOMAD=Gallon of Milk a Day. I have not taken it to that extreme.

Week 1- 1 quart of heavy whipping cream (50 calories/tablespoon, 64 tbsp/quart = 3200 calories per quart)

Week 2- 1 quart of heavy whipping cream + 2 gallons of whole milk (150 calories/cup, 16 cups/gallon, 2400 calories/gallon) = 3200 + 2400 + 2400 = 8000 calories

So over the past 2 weeks I have increased my calorie consumption by 11,200 calories from drinking dairy.

Why am I doing this? I think this will give me a great understanding of knowing how to gain and lose weight. Of course you need to eat a lot of food in order to gain weight. I knew this, but never experienced it firsthand. I am currently less concerned about increasing my work capacity. I am more interested in gaining size to increase my strength. Although I am participating in the WCCF Olympic Weightlifting Meet on Nov. 6, I am not trying to make weight at 69kg. I will be competing against guys much larger than I, but it isn't like I am going to be doing anything at the National level anyways. I addition, I have always been the small guy. Like always. I think this milk era of my life will be fun..just seeing how big I can get. I will continue my training hitting all of the basics, deadlift, squat, shoulder press, Olympic Lifting, ring work, sprints, strongman and staying healthy. Maintaining an anabolic state is key.

Heavy things.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Training these days..

This quest for fitness is such a funny one. I have these moments of why I do such things and what is all this training going to accomplish. I have learned that there really is no definite answer. I train for many different reasons which include: fun, a challenge, health, to succeed, to fail, for pride, for company, for work, to learn, to play, for mental strength, for physical strength, for longevity, and to inspire.

I always want to get better at everything at once, but know that this is impossible, as this is a journey to the end (hence the title of my blog.) Jessica and I have come up with various elements of fitness that we want to do everyday. Granted we are at the gym so often we can do these things often.

1 rope ascent
handstand walk
3 muscle ups/dips
heavy sled push and pull
GHD sit ups/hip extension
L-sit on p bars

I have several other elements that I feel I need to add:
push ups
box squats
one arm rows
high rep leg swings
farmers walk

Wow. That is a complete workout, not even including the actual workout. Ridiculous.

I need some type of priority within this list. I need these: multi joint, weight bearing, hip dominant, full body, upper body, core, lower body dominant, and skill dominant, and something that wont create overuse/injury.

So what do I need? Variance. Remember it is not about training the muscles. It is about training movements. Muscles only contract when your nervous system tells the muscles to contract. Improve your nervous system through practice.

The CrossFit model is pretty simple. Blend an Olympic lifter, with a gymnast, and a track athlete to get a very well rounded (exceptional athlete).