Monday, December 27, 2010

'Fight Gone Bad'

Box Jump
Push Press
Row for Cal
Wall ball


I started with SDLHP again. Really wanted to start with wallball. I am pretty sure that this is an improvement from the last time. I thin I am 267 last time. Don't know what happen to my old record though.

There are some really good people at CFAH.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The simple program for strength gains?

So I read this article from T-nation by Dan John. I can't find it now, but this is just what it is:

deadlift 2 x 5
shoulder press 2 x 5
biceps curl 2 x 5 (yes curls. Dan John recommended it!)
snatch 1 x 20-50
abs (i have been doing ab wheel)

I think he borrowed elements of Pavels programming for this one. It is a 40 day program done everyday. The 'science' behind it, is basic. Just do it everyday without groaning and grunting and let your strength develop naturally.

The first two weeks were pretty light, now finishing my third. I like it. It is pretty simple and easy to follow.

Week 1:
135 # thick hex bar deadlift
70# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
5-5-5-3-3-3 Floor Press (135-210#)
For time:
row 1000 then,
5 rounds of:
40# DB Complex
Hang Power Clean
Row 1000

Week 2:
135 # thick hex bar deadlift
70# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
3-3-3-1-1-1 Floor Press (185-215#)
For time:
20 double unders, 18. 16, etc. descending ladder
1 burpee, 2, 3, 4 etc. ascending ladder

Week 3:
185 # thick hex bar deadlift
90# thick bar shoulder press
70# thick bar curl
80# snatch
ab wheel

On friday @ CrossFit AH:
255# DL One on the min for ten min

For time:
15 DL (155#)
Row 300m
15 DL
Row 300m
15 DL