Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ripping trees right out of the ground!

Brooks Kubik's-Top Ten Things that
Happen When You Train Heavy.

No. 10 -- Your thumbs get sore. (Big deal – that’s what tape
is for.)

No. 9 – You get really hungry, and after your workout you go
inside and more or less inhale a huge meal. Extra on the
protein. Sort of like food was going out of style.

No. 8 -- You wake up the next morning, and you roll out of
bed and feel like you could rip trees right out of the ground.

No. 7 -- You go out to the garage to check on your weights –
and they’re still sleeping! (You tired them out.)

No. 6 – Your squat stands are half an inch shorter than they
used to be.

No. 5 -- Your lifting shoes groan when you walk by.

No. 4 -- Your dog digs a large hole in the backyard – just in
case he needs to bury you after your next workout.

No. 3 -- The dumbbells load themselves – and they’re ten pounds
heavier than you remember.

No. 2 – That big sandbag you carry starts doing pushups every
morning – just to keep up with you.

No. 1 – Your power rack starts using ice-packs after each workout.

Thanks for reading, and remember – a chuckle a day is worth an
extra ten pounds on your squat bar!
Double under practice ~6 min

Thick handle hex bar DL's
2 x 5 @ 155#
1 x 255#
4 x 315#
4 x 315#
5 x 315#
8 x 315# (belt)

Prowler push @ 65#
~75 yards
2 sprints
2 slow drives

4 x 10 RDL @ 135#

indian club swings
wrestlers bridge
lunge matrix
x-band walk
back extension
ab wheel
chest expander