Tuesday, August 2, 2011


115# stone carries
90-180# sled drags and pushes
135-225# hex bar thick handle farmers walk
90# sled pulls hand over hand


Monday, August 1, 2011

Olympic Lifting 1.1

Power Snatch 2x3 [50, 55, 57kg]

Snatch 1 [57kg]

Split Jerk (right leg front) 2x3 [80, 84, 86]

Front Squat 3x3 [80, 85, 70]

Shoulder Press 3x5 [50, 52, 54]
Lunge 3x5 [50, 52, 54]

I wasn't able to activate my glutes well with the heavier weight so I dropped it down.
I really felt the glutes working well with the bar racked in the back squat position for the lunges.