Wednesday, January 27, 2010

25:54 – 4 rounds of:

3 rounds
8-24″box jumps
6-135# push press
3-70# kb american siwng
Rest exactly 3 min after the 3 rounds

70# Snatches-9 left and 13 right
70# Snatches -12 left and 14 right

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a few-70# KB Turkish getups

27:23- Michael:
3 rounds
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

Monday, January 25, 2010

21-15-9 @ 11:17
handstand push-ups (head to floor)
ring dips

185# Front box squats (5×5)
1. 12″ box
2. 16″ box
3. no box
4. 12″ box
5. 16 ” box

Saturday, January 23, 2010

100 pull-ups 4:58 -not that good. back on 5/1/09 i did 90 in 3:50 as part of ‘tabata something else.’

Friday, January 22, 2010

100 back extensions
26-95# Overhead squats

12:36-3 rounds of 50 double unders and 50 back extensions
Jump rope-melting double under practice. (Brad, your green rope died.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

rubber band hip abduction
monkeying around on the pull-up apparatus

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

20 minutes of weight vest and ankle weight bodyweight exercises

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

5 Round Superset:
5-ring dips (35#) / 5-pull-ups (70#)

I think10 or 11 rounds in 20 min of:
10-GHD Sit-ups
10-Back extensions
10-Wallball (20#, 10 ft)

(brain stopped working and camera shut off- I had 6 complete rounds at 11 min)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Something over nothing randomness:
5 minutes of racked 16kg kb box step ups
3 minutes of 95# box step ups front rack
34 thick bar pull-ups in 1 minute
62 air squats in 1 minute
13 head to floor handstand push-ups 1 set
15 back squats 135#
5 singles of 245# deadlift @ 1 min intervals
5 ab wheel rollouts
25 single leg squats straight each leg
double under practice

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2 rounds-1 minute stations of:
jump rope
air squats
box jumps 20″
lunge with twist
JC Band bow and arrow
lateral shuffle
flutter kicks
KB swing 16kg
wallball 20#
45# thrusters
push-up with rotation
skin the cat
Russian twist
lateral squat
handstand hold
high pull 45#
hip extension/sandbag shouldering

Friday, January 15, 2010

double under practice 15 minutes
Alternating headstand/handstand 1 minute of each for 13 minutes staying inverted.

50 pull-ups
50 air squats
25 burpees

snatch progression (power snatch, hang snatch, full snatch, OH squats, 45# and 65#)

4 round couplet of:
4 muscle-ups
10, 9, 8, 7 Hang Power Cleans @135#

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

295# DL 1 on the minute for 10 minutes
10-15# weight vest pull-ups on the minute for 5 minutes
10-pull-ups on the minute for 5 minutes

Friday, January 8, 2010

215# Power Clean
41 Pull-ups Max
70# Snatches-10 left and 10 right